Our Vision and Values

Our Vision

Our vision for Kirklees is to be a district that combines a strong, sustainable economy with a great quality of life – leading to thriving communities, growing businesses, high prosperity and low inequality where people enjoy better health throughout their lives.

Our Values

Just like for individuals, our organisation’s values guide the way we think and act.

In our response to the pandemic, we saw just how much the values of Kindness, Inclusion and Pride were shaping our action, under incredible pressure and in a rapidly changing environment. We introduced these three values as our new organisational values in 2020.

During the summer of 2021, we engaged with employees to test these values and check whether they are still relevant for our ongoing recovery. We held virtual listening circles with over 450 staff from across the organisation and sent a survey to over 3,000 homes of our frontline staff.

There was overwhelming support for the three values, particularly Kindness. The engagement has informed the way in which we collectively describe them:

  • We are kind so that our behaviour makes each other feel included, happy and well.
  • We work with each other and are friendly, considerate and appreciative.
  • We ‘do with, not to’, showing kindness to each other and our citizens.
  • We provide equal access to opportunities and resources for all people.
  • We achieve inclusion by removing barriers, discrimination and prejudice.
  • We value and promote a culture of inclusion and diversity.
  • We work with pride to achieve positive outcomes for colleagues, citizens and our places.
  • We have self-respect, dignity and take satisfaction from our achievements and those of our colleagues.
  • We are proud of what we do as individuals, together as a council, and together with our citizens and places.
Our behaviours are
  • Honest
  • Positive
  • Flexible
  • Respectful
  • Communicative
  • Supportive
Council Plan Vision Infographic